江瑟箐月考英语作文写得不错,下午被叫去办公室交代,今晚要写一篇同题材的长作文。 金中的热水器容量有限,一个人洗后热水器的水都会变凉,乐欣宁洗澡总是拖拖拉拉,如果要等她洗完再去洗太不切实际。如果江瑟箐先去洗,那季音棠就得等热水器的水重新热了才能洗。而江瑟箐刚好有任务,季音棠先洗的话,洗的时间和等的时间刚好可以让她写好这篇作文。 江瑟箐从单肩包里拿出作文纸自顾自地坐在自己的书桌前提笔写草稿。 季音棠拿了睡衣和毛巾就进了厕所。 一上高中就得住宿,很多人觉得上课只是从宿舍走去教室,根本没必要拿起书包,而江瑟箐和季音棠两个人就是那个异类。 季音棠的学习用品必须整整齐齐,以防万一没有带,又或者是课堂上的突发情况——老师讲到其他内容需要做实践,又或者要换课,别人就需要跑一趟宿舍楼,而她就不需要。 江瑟箐则是丢三落四,被季音棠像个老妈子一样说这说那说得烦了才背书包,直到背了书包她才知道书包的重要性。 但后来她又觉得背书包腰痛,改背了单肩包。 这一次的题材是“假设你拥有一个国际好友来自美国,他有意愿将要来中国,问你是否有时间接待。请你给他回信,要点如下: 1.欢迎来华。 2.告知航空信息。 3……) 江瑟箐整理了一下大概思路,按要求直译。 “dear friend. i was overjoyed to learn that you were about to arrive in china. i have nothing to do recently,and you are welcome at any time. please tell me your flight number and arrival time so that i can receive you in time. if you come,you are welcome to stay at my house,where there is an open-air swimming pool and comfortable beds. i plan to bathe in the warm sunshine in the swimming pool with you,eat some delicious chaozhou beef hot pot with you,and finally take a look at the beautiful chaozhou xiangzi bridge. what do you think of my proposal? if you have any ideas,please feel free to share them with me. 最后写下署名,江瑟箐终于落笔。 季音棠已m.BOwuchInA.cOM