s beaten like this by hackers because of this cheap woman. i want to make her dead and die in a foreign land. ha ha ha ~詹姆斯接近癫狂的大笑着。 “约翰,赌局是否快要开始了,今天我被黑客打成这样都是拜这个贱女人所赐,我要让她尸骨无存,客死他乡,哈哈哈哈~” 约翰的脸上充满着担心,还是在好言好语的相劝着自家家主,希望她不要大喜大悲的:my lord, you are too badly injured to have great sorrow and happiness. i hope you can take good care of your injury. don't worry. this plan is well planned and will definitely make her unable to escape.停歇了片刻又继续说道:the god of gamblers' opening time this time is 11:00 p.m., and now it is only half an hour away from the opening time. are you waiting for my good news at your residence, or do you want to go with me? “家主,您伤势过重,不宜大悲大乐,还望您好好养伤,您放心,此次计划周密,绝对会让她插翅难逃。” “这次赌神开场时间是晚上十一点,现在距离开场时间只有半小时了,您是在住所等着我的好消息,还是说您也要跟着前去?” 詹姆斯表示亲眼手刃仇人才能以解心头之恨,所以即使重伤也要亲眼看见她在自己面前灰飞烟灭。 cough, cough, go, of course. i can't see her disappear in front of me. i won't be able to sleep. i also want to see her despair!詹姆斯气喘吁吁的说着话。 “咳咳咳~去,当然要去,不能亲眼看到她在我的面前灰飞烟灭,我会睡不着的,我也想看看她绝望的样子!” my lord, but your injury...还没等约翰说完,詹姆斯就直接打断了他的说话。 “家主,可是您的伤……” this injury can't kill me. listen to me or you. let's go now. “这点伤还弄不死我,听我的还是听你的,马上出发。” yes, master!就这样一行人赶往了赌神参加赌局的地点。 “是,家主!” 第71章 借刀杀人3 詹姆斯-亚发动攻击2 晚上十点五十,詹姆斯-亚一行人来到了赌局的对面楼盘。 还在轮椅上的詹姆斯还在听着手下的汇报。 黑人单膝跪地,主要负责狙击手的人报备:report to the boss, ten snipers have been laid out in all directions! “报告老板,十名狙击手已全方位布局!” 主要负责管理拳击的人报备:master, a hundred boxers are ready! “家主,一百名拳击手也准备好了!” 黑市暗卫也报备了:boss, 180 underground gangsters are ready. “老板,一百八十名地下黑手也准备齐全了。” 还有十名顶尖高手在保护詹姆斯_亚。 hahaha, get up! since the gambM.bOwUChiNa.Com